Dissertations Writing Help: Introduction

Writing can be a benefit. It allows one to express their thoughts pertaining to certain issues in their own unique way. Writing also allows an individual the opportunity to have complete creative control on how we express stories and articles. While the experience can be rewarding from some, it does not come that easy for all people in a college setting. Let’s take for instance the dissertation. The dissertation generally comes at the upper level degrees. It is generally several pages long and requires extensive research. With that being said one may need a lot of help when it comes to structuring the paper. For the purpose of today, we will be talking about how to set up the introduction of your dissertation.

What is the introduction?

The introduction is an opportunity for the author to warm the audience up to the paper. It allows them to draw the audience in with a hook. During the introduction the reader is told what the thesis or main idea of the paper is. The reader is also told about the main ideas of the paper as well. No main idea should be expressed in detail at this stage of the paper. It is at this point that you should tell the reader why they should be interested in your paper.

What should be included in the dissertation introduction?

Several things should be included in your introductory paragraph. Such things are:

  1. A powerful hook that conveys the importance of the subject matter.
  2. Telling the reader why it is you are writing about the subject.
  3. An objective statement.
  4. A statement that addresses the limitation of the study you are conducting.
  5. A statement that reflects the other side of the issue.

What structure should you follow?

Writing your dissertation does not have to be complicated. There are a few things that you can do in the introduction that will help you to set up your paper just right. These things include:

  1. Writing a stellar opening sentence that demands the reader's attention.
  2. Be concise in the introduction. Again you do not need to go into great detail about what is to come in the paper.
  3. Keep the reader interested in reading on.
  4. Be sure that you keep the introduction relevant to the remainder of the work.

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