A List Of The Most Innovative Finance Master's Thesis Topics

The time has come for you to work on your thesis. Before you can begin, you need to decide on your topic. Writing your thesis is going to take time and dedication, but to start you off, you need to have a topic. Maybe you've scoured the Internet and various search engines looking for inspiration and ideas. When I did my own search, I didn't come up with much.

But now that we're here – and you must be here because you need help – I'm going to share with you what I did find so that you don't have to look for hours on end. Sometimes you just need to see other people's ideas to come up with your own. Hopefully, the list I've compiled will help you in some way, whether you use them for you thesis or let them inspire you.

  1. The importance of being able to access credit and/or other financial services for growth and investment.
  2. How commercial banking has changed over the years, including any and all changes plus any preferences you may find during your research.
  3. The aspects of of international banking; the risks and rewards it involves.
  4. Financial instruments; studying various types of investments and describing the different types of financial instruments that are available in the market. The object of this study is to analyze patterns and to take note of the changing behaviors of the investors and their perceptions.
  5. Personal loans; how it should be done, what criteria needs to be met and how/why it should be rejected or accepted.
  6. Global economic crisis; how varying markets are affected with severe decreases in value.
  7. The benefits of mutual funds, who it most appeals to and why it can be beneficial.
  8. How people get into personal debt and how they get out of it. There should be a full analysis of both.
  9. There are several topics in “risk management”, such as buying a home or property in a declining market or evaluating the risk of putting new products on the market.
  10. How micro-financing affects women and children, or even alternatives to micro-financing.
  11. How to prevent fraud in banking systems; not just the banks themselves but also banking systems like ATMs.
  12. Internet banking and its rising popularity, along with its reliability and security concerns.

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